
James Wyatt Crosby – Something Missing

Dalam beberapa bulan ini kita sudah berkenalan dan hanyut bersama single dari James Wyatt Crosby, seperti “For the Last Time” dan “Watcher“, dan kini hadir kembali bersama single terbarunya “Something Missing” yang menjadi inti yang lembut dan pelan dari album terbarunya, ‘Happy Memories’.

Lagu ini merenungkan tentang mimpi versus realitas, isolasi, kesepian, dan hubungan yang retak, berbicara langsung ke jiwa. Crosby dengan lembut menyanyikan perasaan kekosongan yang tak bisa dijelaskan, sementara instrumen gitar yang kering dan tekstur ritmik yang bergerak lambat menambah dimensi emosional yang kaya.

Melodi yang enak didengar dan harmoni yang berlapis-lapis membuat “Something Missing” sebuah pengalaman mendalam yang mengundang pendengar untuk merenung dan mengeksplorasi kedalaman emosinya sendiri.

Simak album lengkapnya lewat pemutar dibawah ini, dan mari kita jadikan akhir pekan ini terasa lebih syahdu bersama ‘Happy Memories’

James Wyatt Crosby – Something Missing Lyric

Where did you go?
I had a dream that we were
Out in the snow

I watched the fire disappear into smoke
And when I woke up you were gone

And when I'm alone
I feel so distant from the place I call home
I feel indifferent to the people I know

It's kind of hard to say but I can't help but feel like

There's something missing
I don't know what it is
Can't put my finger on this overwhelming emptiness

Feels like I'm missing
Feels like I don't exist
Feels like I'm being swallowed
By something bottomless

And what do I say?
I really love you at the end of the day

But something deep inside has shifted and changed
You must be joking

And what do I do?
I just can't picture living life without you
How are you doing
Won't you tell me the truth?
I know it's hard to say but do you ever feel like

There's something missing
There's something missing
There's something missing
There's something missing

I'm in the kitchen
I'm slowly caving in
You're in a room one afternoon
And then you call it quits

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